CS112: fundamentals of web page design with seo

As part of the subject CS112 with descriptive title of “Fundamental of Webpage Design with SEO (Search Engine Optimization)” students under this subject must have its own blog as a requirement of this subject. Student must enhance their skills when it come to wed designing and SEO. Student must provide topics in their blog/blogs and the most important one is to have an entry for the key “ose comsci112” to be check on the last day of the final period most likely march 20, 2011. Students must follow the instructions that are being posted in this blog. You must consult this blog for further information and discussion.

Instructions for this SEO project:

1. You must have a weblog (required). You can add blog as many a as you can as a supporting blogs or to use for you back links.
2. Using the topic or the keyword as the URL of your blog is not allowed.
3. In order to identify your own blog you must put your full name and section in the first post of your blog.
4. Copying of post or entry from other sources (websites/blogs) is PROHIBITED. You must provide a unique post. “Copyright infringement is the unauthorized or prohibited use of works under copyright, infringing the copyright holder's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.” – (Wikipedia)
5. Adult content and any indecent words of the blog are not allowed.
6. You are allowed to use the keywords in your post for fives (5) times only.(maximum)
7. To make your blog valid for this project, make it sure it is indexed to google.com.
8. Start your first blogging task now! Hope you Enjoy it. Give everything for this task.


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